Saturday, October 11, 2008

This land through Leah's eyes

The sun has risen over the ocean this morning, a glistening blanket of mist is hovering over the water, sparkling golden and white. My heart feels bigger than I have remembered in a while, my senses heightened, my spirit bursting inside of me at all I am seeing of this heart of God.

When I stepped back into this land, I was no longer a foreigner. I smelled and tasted and watched with familiarity, soaking in the color and the love of these people as if i was never gone.

As I walked through the narrow alleyways of the squatter areas, flowing with rivulets of sewage and who-knows-what, I held the small brown hands of my dearest friends, and chattered away.. laughing, crying, hugging them close.
I find that my tears are closer to the surface than before, and am wiping them away several times a day, as my heart is overwhelmed with a depth of awe for the faithfulness of God that I have not tasted before.
A few days ago, our little ragamufffin team of seven found our way to the prison compound in Mandaluyong --- the last place that I knew my patient Laarnie had lived.

Three years ago she came to our clinic for the first time, bleeding heavily for five days, eighteen weeks pregnant, covered in a rash, her throat swelling shut.
She had been sent away by the hospital, who told her that the ultrasound showed her baby was dead. I looked into her scared eyes, and listened as she told me her story--no accident, no ingestion of Medication.
That morning I had asked God to show us HIs power, His heart, His hand. I was no longer settling for healing broken bodies, and watching them leave with still broken and empty spirits.
I would not settle for anything less than HIs spirit pouring into me and out of me into broken people. I wanted to see hearts transformed.

As I sat with Laarni's chart in my hand that afternoon, God spoke. Put down the chart. She is trying to kill her baby.
I spoke to the broken places in her heart, and asked what it was she needed to tell me. She crumbled, for four hours she wept brokenly. She had taken enough medication to not only abort her baby, but to kill herself. She wanted to die with her baby... she could not afford another child with no husband.
That day I told Laarnie a beautiful story of her savior, who died to forgive this sin she had just committed. He died to make her his own. He loved her heart with a passion she had never yet experienced.
Laarnie fell at the feet of jesus that day, and was transformed. I walked in obedience and prayed over her contracting belly, over this baby that was dead, and most likely already passed.
I put the doppler to her belly and heard the strong and perfect rythym of her baby's heart.
Life. That is the power of my Jesus.

Her mother, and aunt and four year old daughter quickly followed her steps into the kingdom of God, and was brought to life...their home and lives transformed.

Our team found Laarnie's family home. we entered into the dimly lit room, and my beautiful girl came rushing into arms. I held her, my face against hers, her tears falling on my shoulder, and mine on hers. From behind me I heard a tiny voice saying my name. Baby Danielle, whom I have never seen in person, now three years old, stood looking up at me. I was moved in the depths of my spirit beyond where words go. This beautiful, perfect, giggling girl was brought to life at the hands of my God.....I had felt her stirring when she was in her mama's belly, and prayed for wholeness, life abundant. I was not prepared for the capturing of my heart by her eyes. She is filled with more joy and laughter than any child I have ever met...As she wrapped her arms around my neck and layed her head on my shoulder, I kissed her tiny head and thanked Jesus through my tears for the beauty of his faithfulness.

I cannot begin to pen the stirrings in my heart as I walk these streets again, and see the shadows of brokenness on the faces of the poor. but I can tell you that as I hand the pen over to my God, and ask Him to fill the pages of my life with His own story---it keeps getting better. He keeps getting Bigger. When I think I cannot possibly love Jesus more, He comes and blows my mind with His Glory. I am in awe. I am overwhelmed. I am hoping you see Him today with new eyes, and are awakened. Just wait.

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