Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hearts Stirred

If you believe a land can speak, Puerto Galera made every effort to woo my(Steve) heart. Filled with the rugged-untamed beauty of a "Lost" episode, this coastal region on the north shore of Oriental Mindora (the island just south of Luzon-the big island) shouted out praises to our God.

We listened to the Holy Spirit at the sandy shores of White Beach, meditated and worshiped the I AM at the island resort Tamaraw and sparkled in the darkness of Sabang where we gave medical attention and prayers to the sick and afflicted. Sabang, described by the local pastors as a present day Sodom and Gomorrah, is home to Dr Francis' new medical clinic. Its darkness was felt by many on our team, but I was amazed to find unspeakable joy on the faces of the local believers and when they led us in worship. I truly felt a resounding fire roar its magnificent light into the community. I imagine we were surrounded by a host of heaven as we administered medicine and offered prayer to the people, many of whom were muslim; and to my knowledge not a one rejected our invitation to "gusto mo ipanalangin kita" (May I pray for you?) I was humbled to look into these wearied eyes and see tears surface or smiles birth glimmers of light as one after another received God's great love. Pray for these dear hearts our Saviour passionately pursues. I am listening.

Francis told us of a wonderful waterfall some distance up the mountain, so one afternoon we eagerly donned our hiking flip-flops and followed this fearless man of God into the wilderness. Time after time the very rocks in these hills cried forth praises to our Lord and we obediently joined the eager chorus, humbled again by the magnitude of beauty which the Almighty created. The waterfall delighted us all and provided an opportunity to stare fear in the face and leap off a muddy, rocky ledge into the refreshing waters below.
But this weeks song climaxed for some of us on the hillside community of Stairway, a safe-house for boys that were rescued from "detention centers", that are prisons. Listen as Hannah shares her song:
Hello friends and family, this is Hannah. As I begin, my heart is heavy with gratitude for your prayers you are faithfully offering up for us. They are felt, and we are praising God for how we see His hand moving.
Our second day on Oriental Monduro Island, Dr. Francis led us behind the beach and our huts through a gate into The Children's Center, Stairways, at the bottom of the mountain. This place looked like a magical wonderland in the jungle, with towering bamboo chutes and bridges over streams, rocky pathways led to stone stairways in between buildings that were painted bright and exciting colors. There were small boys playing basketball, and some washing their clothes in buckets...laughing and playing in the soap suds. Their eyes were alive and dancing, their teeth gleeming white against the beautiful brown skin of their delighted faces. Stairways was began by a husband and wife team...Lars from Denmark and Monica from Washington DC. Lars explained to us that here in the Philippines children that are street vagrants or delinquents are taken to "detention centers" that are prisons with adult criminals. These boys are abused physically and sexually by the inmates, and are often there for years and years. Stairways takes the children from these prisons and for one year keeps them before transitioning into boarding schools or back with their families. They teach school, enroll the boys in drama and music sessions to express what they have been through. They love these boys, and give them a new chance at life. As he explained the horrors of what these children have lived through, I watched them outside of the window...their deep brown eyes looking shyly back at us, their faces quick to crinkle into a grin. Two of them sat on a wall, quietly strumming guitar and singing. As I watched them, I was unable to control the tears that streamed hot down my cheeks. I could not look away, I don't want to. "Oh God, don't let me forget, let us help..." Monica mentioned that on Friday she was leading the boys in drama classes, and Steve and I asked to come back, she agreed.

Friday, after a morning of prayer, praise and worship blessing the opening of the clinic in Sabang, Steve and I hopped into a rickety tricey cab back to Stairways. There is a small outdoor theatre stage built on the side of a hill where the boys were preparing for an upcoming musical. I was astounded at their amazing ability to sing, dance and memorize. They laughed, lept, and spun on their heads on the stage floor. There was a part of the song that required a rap element that Monica wanted some help with, so Steve taught them how to add street flare to their learics. He stirred them up to add passion and excitement to the chorus until they looked like a scene from Newsies, Filipino version. Soon they all wanted his attention and approval, there was a chorus of "Hey Steeb! Hey Steeb!" echoing as they showed him their best tricks and he threw back his head and laughed with them. We walked over to the beach with them and played in the waves and on the sand, cheering for the best back flips and tumbles that they amazed us with. These boys now have a place in my heart, especially little Ramel..the youngest. His grin and antics and little dance moves will never be forgotten, nor him shouting "good bye mommy" to me as we walked away. Pray for continued healing for these little lives. Pray for more like them that are yet to be rescued. Pray for our hearts to be stirred to do what we can to love.


j said...

Hello friends!!
If you are still in Puerto & if you get a chance to visit Aninuan Okdong Christian Church (about a 5 minute walk from Tamaraw, heading away from White Beach & toward Talipanan Falls) please give BIG hugs from us to pastor toto & his wife nimfa & son Jonathan. They are dear friends of ours and we miss them so much. And if you see our cat somewhere in Aninuan-- he's kind of stripey brown and he answers to "Ticen" or "Luningning"...I don't know.... just in case you see him.. :)

Strength, Grace, and Peace in Abundance to you-
-jes atherholt

Julie Botteicher said...

Hope you were able to videotape some of the choreography & gymnastics of these energetic young boys!! Who would have guessed that God had prepared ahead for you to meet this group of young people. Isn't He amazing???

Julie Botteicher