Thursday, October 23, 2008

7,000 miles later . . .

thoughts, ponderings, and random observations
by Steve a.k.a. "Steeb"

Thanks to a sweet little Filipino woman named Arora, I am now affectionately known as this Steeb . . . or Arnold Schwarzenegger (I know what you are thinking and guess what-don't!) Now that the Philippines have dissolved into our memories, I am left wondering if my body will ever remember Eastern Standard Time again; and if I will ever forget the spectacularly extraordinary moments of these last weeks.
To begin, I must fall to my knees and join the host of heaven in declaring:

"Great and marvelous are Your works,
O Lord God, the Almighty;
Righteous and true are Your ways,
King of the nations!
Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify
Your name?
For You alone are holy;

How good is our God? If only I could put into words all that I am feeling and seeing. If I could accurately walk you through the remarkable experiences of our team, I might tell you how inspired I was when standing on the holy grounds of Lars and Monica's Stairway (a safe house for abused boys--street kids that the world walks by with less compassion than the self-righteous priest in Jesus' story of the good samaritan). I would attempt to put into words how I sensed a thunderous voice from heaven saying come, sit and learn from this astonishing couple. A man and his wife who witnessed a need and transformed their lives, settling in the jungles of Puerto Galera to love these precious souls that no one else sees. Lars fascinated me as he described his simply journey: see a need then do something! Monica mesmerized me as this once breathtaking dancer labored across the wooden stage without complaint. Even walking is a miracle since having been paralysed by sickness and disease and I pray that my God restores her fully as He woos her heart. As we sat around a table sharing cups of coffee, God revealed Himself to me as the Truth, the Way and the Life and the most astonishing revelation was that Lars and Monica do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord, yet they love with abandon more than most "christians" I know. Intrigued, I pried for understanding. I listened intently as hope rose within me: to be the hands of Jesus in this place would truly be a gift from God! Only I have no idea how to accomplish this leap. What can I offer this place? Why would they want me? Yet my God is able!

I might also tell you how honored I was to walk along side of six stunning hearts, fearless and passionate about those God loves. I would labor to explain how at times I humbly led this team toward Jesus, but in the next moment how, responding in the flesh I breathed frustration and fear over us all. If I could find the words, I would try to help you understand how I depended on grace and how I needed their forgiveness for my selfishness and pride.

I might also try to reveal how each reflected the glory of God: I saw strength in Micah and Rebekah. Hannah and Carolyn showed great compassion. Leah relentlessly pursued righteousness and justice while Francis frequently demonstrated both. I have rarely seen a heart as pure as this Filipino doctor who with great patience always took the time for just one more. With an eager heart, Rebekah was always willing to help or listen or laugh. In fact, all these mighty women of God daily practiced the joy of laughter and with expert analysis were quick to prescribe this "best" medicine. I marveled at how Leah came alive in this place as if God had fashioned her specifically for this sweltering, gracious land. I watched Micah fight for wisdom and understanding; and Carolyn's startling ability to breathe peace over her anxious patients did not go un-noticed. But mostly, I stood stupified at how my God placed precious pieces of His heart into Hannah. She smiles and darkness flees. She is quick to listen and understand. There is much strength in her spirit, but also an acute sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. She wont settle for less than righteousness and purity of heart. She rarely judges in weakness, but always seeks to love. How blessed I am to know this breathtaking woman. I delighted in how we all sought to learn each other and extended grace when one acted in weakness. Truly the Lord built this team and for this purpose. I love you all!

And of course, I must thank all of you readers. Your prayers and gifts encouraged us as God responded to your cries and carried us on the wings of eagles. I laugh at how a beatup, white diesel flat-bed truck full of rocks and Filipino workers looked exactly like an eagle! Thank you Lord for rescuing us on the road to the Applai tribe. . .and for teaching us along the way.

1 comment:

j said... me.