Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We're leavin on a jet plane . . .

Day One.

Only fifteen hours remain before we embark on a mission of mercy to the Philippines. Micah and I begin well before the sun awakes with a 40 minute drive to York where we join the rest of our team: Leah, Hannah, Rebekah, and Carolyn. These amazing women of God are the professionals. (Trained in everything from delivering babies to injections to the health benefits of Cliff Bars[scrolling ad go: buy them! cause they're tasty and nutritious!] ) What a blessing these women have already been to so many and now they set theirs eyes of compassion to the fatherless, the homeless and the poor of the Philippines. The women have been traveling from State College and by this time should probably be crashing from the caffeine high they slurped down two hours earlier.

As we continue south on Rt 83 to the majestic BWI where United Airline Flight #641 eagerly awaits our arrival, we have 90 minutes to rest, pray, laugh, sleep or eat before the many rounds of security guards, baggage checks, and metal detectors rudely intrude our personal space. May the Lord grant us patience as we honor Him by taking off our shoes, belts and toe rings.

Our 9:30 depature should, Lord willing, deposit us in Chicago where we connect to the "mother"of all flights. Crossing through more time zones than I have fingers to count, we should eventually alight on the exotic soils of Hong Kong, China. A smarter man than I could tell you the exact time of arrival, but these mathematics prove to be formidable. By this time I think it might be the same day as we left even though we've been traveling more than 24 hours! Yikes!

All that remains is a hop, reletively, to Manila where we hopefully find an evening meal and a place to lay our wearied heads. Day One has come to a close!

Lord, may we trust you with all things. For nothing is impossible for you. Grant us strength! Give us wisdom and insight. Let us show mercy toward each other and to every soul Your Heart loves. Let us live patiently, passionately, and purposefully. You are the same today as you were yesterday and you will still be tomorrow! How awesome are all you ways.

We love You,
Your children

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