Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who is this Dr. Francis?

Path to Healing (Physician heal thyself)

As I spent precious moments with this team of passionate lovers of Jesus my faith grew all the more.. when God is in the center of of our lives and in our relationships what is only ok or good becomes better. Within these past three weeks the Jesus-centered friendship I've shared with Leah has grown wonderfully resulting in more positive changes, not only in our lives but in the lives of many - revealing more of God's grace - not only in Mindoro but in many other places in the Philippines. With new-found friendships revolving around Jesus, God's will on earth is being accomplished.. even as enemy forces mock and downgrade God's accomplishments through the Body of Christ around the world, I keep seeing and experiencing God's awesome grace daily, so much that my faith in Jesus Christ cannot be shaken..

In these past few weeks, the light of God has shown brightly and His protection was apparent wherever our team of seven ventured. People experienced the healing power of Jesus as we walked into urban poor dwellings and dens of prostitution, and we experienced God's covering as we climbed hills and crossed rivers to reach mountain villages, one specifically known for "guyam" - a local form of witchcraft. When we grew weary and lost sleep God continued to renew our strength.. His grace came when needed - as a downpour of refreshing rain, as a helping hand from a village man, as a truck ride just when our legs couldn't take another stride further up the mountain.. we praised God in those moments, and the joy in our hearts remain and continue to overflow, so that people continue to receive the joy of joys which can come only with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us..

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To grow more effective as healers and to grow to live their lives better for others and live their lives to the fullest, doctors need their hearts healed.. I (FranCIS) pray other doctors get to know this amazing healing that I received which began after I received Jesus into my life..

I have been wounded and pride has been keeping me from telling the world of my imperfections. Right after med school I began serving with many other organizations that reach out to underserved Filipino indigenous tribes, like the Mangyans of Mindoro, the Butbut of Kalinga, the Aetas of Zambales, the Ivatans of Batanes, and the many other tribes in Palawan, Isabela, Cagayan Valley and other areas of the Philippines.. I felt that usual fulfillment that comes with serving the underserved but part of me also felt sorry because as an indigenous Filipino myself - with roots from the Igorot Applai tribe in the Mountain Province - I have never set foot in my father's village, which was a place I once was very much uninterested in, but lately in the past few years have been longing to go to..

Since their arrival, the Missions Philippines Team - Leah, Steve, Hannah, Carolyn, Rebekah and Micah - have been toiling almost everyday while adjusting their tired bodies from jet lag.. for their first two weeks they've already done more than enough in helping healthworkers in the slums of Metro Manila, helping to care and pray for patients in the island of Mindoro and helping eliminate TB within the villages of Tabuk in Kalinga.. so on their last week I wanted for the team to just "chillax" and enjoy the serenity and beauty of Sagada and Baguio.. while they were to re-charge, I was to trek to my father's village. However, in the last minute, the whole team decided to join me in the adventure even after "briefing" them that the hike over mountains and rivers would take five to six-hours. Apart from the estimated length of the trek, I did not know much or I was very much ignorant as any in the team about my dad's village.. like I said, I've never been there.. so I had no idea of what to expect in the village.

Just as we were about to start our trek, an elder in one of the villages warned us about how my father's village was well-known for "guyam" - a local form of witchcraft.. although hearing that sounded scary, it was the least of my worries. I was curious he would say that though.. maybe he saw that we were Christian missionaries and that he needed to warn us. We were not going to my father's village to purposely cast out demons.. my primary intention was a simple ocular visit - with me hoping to gather knowledge of the village needs in terms of healthcare-- still it felt great to know we were clothed in the armor of God's Holy Spirit..

After almost five hours of trekking and appreciating the wonders of God's creation, we reached the village.. thus finally came the chance for me to share with my tribal roots whatever I can and have within the means of what I have become - a medical doctor. Our arrival in the village also opened doors to other opportunities.. more importantly, our arrival opened an important door to an opportunity for healing..

Yes, HEALING.. before I could serve my father's village wholeheartedly, I needed my heart to be healed from past hurts.. I grew up hurt from many wounds to my heart mainly from the lack of or very insufficient expression of love and joy from within my immediate family, clan and tribe.. what I heard were mocking words, discouraging expressions and bitter tones of voice more than I did encouraging words.. I received silence when I needed most to hear even the simple words like, "We're proud of you!".. I sought warmth but could not find this in what I felt was a cold Igorot tribe environment.. this made me feel nothing of worth. I felt my life was not appreciated, so much that I only settled for second best although there was a great desire from within me to be better and even be the best.. but confidence was not a characteristic planted in me.

Growing up I loved to swing a baseball bat yet I didn't join little league because I was afraid of getting hit by a baseball.. I wanted to experience and learn lots of kid stuff but grew up frustrated and became very bitter.. I blamed and hated the Igorot culture and I cried and I cry to admit the hurts - the woundings of my heart that resulted from the lack of affection and encouragement. Outwardly I tried to say I was proud to be an Igorot but inside, how I hated to be called an Igorot.. I confess I hated the Igorot. So, how could I serve the people I dislike? Serve them who I think dislike me? How can I serve a people who haven't really encouraged or inspired me much growing up to become what I have become? I have already become too proud when some Igorots recognized me for what I have become - a medical doctor who graduated from the best medical school in the Philippines.. still I tried so much to say I love the Igorot even if I could not forget the past.. but God is great. He led me. And through these past few years he guided me through a process of healing.. a process that started when Jesus found me on the beach until eventually I accepted His offer for Him to carry my burdens and let His Holy Spirit in me lead my life. So, these past few weeks, I walked the path through the final process of healing as the Holy Spirit led myself and six other Jesus freaks to walk bravely, not really knowing what to expect, into my father's village..

With indescribable excitement I entered my father's village with "Team Jesus" (Leah, Steve, Hannah, Carolyn, Rebekah and Micah) walking behind me, all exhausted but with unwavering moment to moment celebration of God.. with Jesus in my heart I was able to introduce myself as Francis Daytec JUNIOR and comfortably hold up my hand to shake the hand of a cousin who has not seen me for more than 30 years.. our stay was short but as our team left the village, I was able to put my arms around an aunt who was too shy to look straight into people's eyes.. I also held the wizened hand and saw the big happy smile in a grand aunt, who spoke for the clan when she said she cannot put into words how happy she was to see me with Leah and the team.. I feel the same way now as I cannot speak in words to fully express how happy I am..

People have hurt my heart and given me that fear of not believing in what I am and what I can do.. but God led the way for me to forgive. I found in Jesus the will to forgive and the will to keep on forgiving. Like a long lost son, I talked to family members in the tribe and I began to understand my past more and more.. I can believe the curses from the practice of witchcraft has been a factor to the inability of people from the tribe to shine with love so that unknowingly, or knowingly, generations were hurt and lived imprisoned in the shadow of the curses.. and I understand that because of the hurts I received, I harbored so much hatred in my heart for which I had and have to come before God to ask for forgiveness.. God forgives and he has forgiven me.. and with the love of Jesus in my heart I can also forgive others who even never known they hurt me. Although I can ask for forgiveness now, the time has yet to come when I go back to ask for the tribe's forgiveness for my hatred for them..

I feel wonderful to humble myself before a One and only great God, and having Him with me and within me to be able to admit and confess my shortcomings before the world.. yes, I admit I am pathetic - a sinner.. who is not?

Our God is greater than anybody and anything. So I thank our awesome God for the supporters of Missions Philippines Team.. through this team's trip to the Philippines, God has blessed so many people and provided for me a path to healing.. indeed God is great and nothing can keep me from keeping on saying how great is our God.

The preceding and succeeding blogs are testimonies to God's greatness and are only a few of the consequences resulting from a God-centered friendship that started in a tattoo shop by the beach in Puerto Galera... I also thank a true man of God for asking me straightforward, "So, Francis, have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?" leading me to seek a personal answer.. I did not know then what to say because I did not really know who Jesus was but now I can truly say, "Yes, sir! Jesus IS my Lord, Savior and Friend!" More and more I want to share my true joy with all as a newly found friend of Jesus..

Our (Francis and Leah) Jesus-centered friendship, now growing more for God's glory, is a witness to God's wonderful plan for those who are obedient to His words. Thank you to those who are now praising God with us. Your support for my mission and ministry in the Philippines continues to help expand God's kingdom in the urban poor areas, in the island of Mindoro, in the tribes of Kalinga and now in the village of my father.. furthermore, as I write, God's Kingdom is spreading in the hearts of many more Filipinos and many more foreigners to the Philippines who are and will be witnessing to the awesome love the Body of Christ share with those in need..

How can I keep from praising God? Our God is great and He continues to shape my life for the better..

With that said.. I say, Hoo-ha for Jesus and God be with you!

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